Quality and Environmental Policy

Anphis Servicios de Ingenieria y Tecnologia Aplicada, S.L. is a company specialized in Engineering Projects and Consulting in the development and implementation of Software, which establishes as a starting point for achieving its priority objectives the implementation in the Company of an Integrated Quality and Environmental Management System, in accordance with the criteria established in the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. Therefore, integrating the policy constitutes a permanent and priority objective aimed at continuous improvement and aims to achieve customer satisfaction along with the need to preserve the environment and desire to live in harmony with the surrounding environment, by preserving and protecting the Environment, preventing pollution, and promoting the sustainable use of natural resources.Anphis Servicios de Ingenieria y Tecnologia Aplicada, S.L. complies with the applicable legislation and regulations in Quality and Environmental processes, meeting the improvement objectives in accordance with the new technologies available, applying legal compliance to the activities developed by the company and the requirements demanded by our clients, going beyond the legal minimums in activities that are economically and technologically feasible.The management of Anphis Servicios de Ingenieria y Tecnologia Aplicada, S.L. considers that establishing a culture of Quality and Environmental is the fundamental factor for exercising proper control over the continuous improvement policy, developing necessary corrective and improvement actions to prevent the recurrence of internal and external problems. The intention of our company is to achieve the highest competitiveness in the market and increase customer satisfaction, planning the actions that must be carried out to reduce the volume of waste generated in its activity and obtaining benefits in the company.The culture of Anphis Servicios de Ingenieria y Tecnologia Aplicada, S.L. considers that the Integrated Management System is not the responsibility of one person but the result of a joint effort of all members of our company, who must know and enforce all quality and environmental rules affecting their work. Therefore, the company management is committed to establishing the necessary means to inform and explain to its employees the content of the Policy, programs, and objectives of the company, promoting training and awareness actions among workers to improve their performance within the organization, and ensuring their involvement in achieving the set objectives and goals.The Responsible for the Integrated System, as the company's representative in this matter, assumes the responsibility for the development and maintenance of the Integrated System, making it reach all operational and management levels of the company.The Integrated System will be reviewed by our company at least once a year, with the aim of ensuring that its effectiveness and adequacy are constantly maintained. This review will be completed in written form. The company management is committed to disseminating its Policy and ensuring its compliance and monitoring throughout our company and, as appropriate, to its suppliers and external customers, as well as fulfilling the integration into the environment to which it belongs, avoiding, within its technical and financial possibilities, any inconveniences it may cause.Paterna, January 8, 2024Management